Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Dream Fearlessly

I have three writing submission deadlines for three different places due in the next two weeks.

I love that sentence and I want it to stand alone so I can delight in it a moment. A year ago, having a writing deadline was but a dream for me. I wasn’t even sure exactly what that looked like. Maybe the pieces I’m submitting won’t result in superstardom, but maybe they will turn into something terrific and be published somewhere. The fact that I’m writing with purpose and putting down meaningful words onto paper that I feel good about, is satisfying. Whether anyone else takes particular notice is delicious icing on a rather sweet cake.

As writers, we all want to be seen. We want someone (or lots of someones) to approve of our work and showcase it, whether it’s on a well-read website, in a magazine or in our own published book. That’s our end game. I’d be willing to bet, however, that for most of us it’s not about the potential paycheck. (Because writing doesn’t pay all the bills. Can I get a witness?) We write because we love to.  Because there are words and stories in us that must be told. We write because we have to. 

One of my favorite quotes is “Writing is easy; you just open a vein and bleed.” That’s how it feels, doesn’t it? Writing is the act of pouring out pieces of our souls into print. And if that wasn’t risky enough, we go a step further and show it to people. We put those soul pieces on display with aching vulnerability.

Through the vulnerabilities, the risk, the hope, we find purpose and reasons to keep writing.  So we bravely step forward, pouring out again and again. As amazing as it would be to be a sought after writer and to attain “published author” status, I frequently remind myself of my writing priorities:

  • Write first for God. Whatever we do we need to be chasing after Him, what His dreams are for us, what will glorify Him. Is what I’m writing lining up with that?
  • Write to help and encourage others. Even if it’s a lighthearted post without deep insight, is it encouraging someone or eliciting a smile? Is what I’m writing discouraging?
  • Write for me. I have to feel good about every word I show someone publicly. The vulnerability is raw. We put our art on paper as sure as a painting on a canvas. It’s frightening. So I have to write for me, for my enjoyment, my catharsis, my therapy, so I can be proud of it.

Don’t sell yourself short. If your dream is to write, do it. Simply begin and see what becomes of it. A year ago I was a semi-closeted writer, not showing a sentence to anyone but those very close to me where it was safe. Today I have a growing blog. I can’t wait to see where and what God has me writing next year at this time.

Dream fearlessly and start living those dreams now. 


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