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kids just starting to date

Abuse and Self Care, Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Healthy Relationships

It’s Not Romantic, It’s Abuse

Something’s been on my mind lately.  Heavily. I’ve been concerned about teens, kids just starting to date. And I’ve been wondering if they know what “symptoms” of an abusive relationship look like and that when they see these behaviors, it’s not romantic, it’s abuse.

From observations, I’ve seen and been told of behaviors in some teen relationships that constitute abuse, although I’m not sure kids are realizing that’s exactly what it is. And that’s what’s been on my mind. I worry. I worry that kids just beginning to date who are naive in the ways of romantic relationships (like I was), don’t know about boundaries and what’s healthy and what’s not within a relationship. Heck, it isn’t just teens specifically. Anyone who just isn’t really aware of how abuse starts and how confusing it can really be if you don’t understand it. Continue Reading