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Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

You Matter. Period.

You’re sitting at a coffee shop with three of your closest girlfriends, chatting, catching up, enjoying some laughs.

Statistically speaking, one of the four of you beautiful women will experience abuse at the hand (or mouth) of an intimate partner at some point in your precious lives.

One of the four of you. 

And that one blessed friend has a high chance of being sexually assaulted by that same partner. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Live Your Dream in 2015!

Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for being faithful readers and visitors! I pray that you are encouraged throughout the new year! let this be the year of living your dreams. Whatever your dreams and aspirations are, do something every day–no matter how small–towards the realization of those dreams.

If you want to write a book, write every day.

If you want to travel, visualize your trip. Start planning the trip. What will it cost? What will you need? Then start squirreling away whatever funds you can afford to.

If you seek a better job, map out the details of what you need to do to be qualified for that job. Research!

Your dreams are important! Don’t let them just be dreams any longer. Take steps to put them into action and live them!

Be encouraged and be blessed!
