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Abuse and Self Care

my story the day I became a victim
Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement

My Story: That Day I Became a Victim

Five years ago this very morning, I became a victim of violent sexual assault, a widow, and a single mother.

I’ve eluded to this in my writing from time to time, sharing with you many times that I know what I’m talking about when I share with you about domestic violence…emotional abuse…verbal abuse…physical threats…

They’re all in the pages of my personal history book.

But until now, I haven’t shared the ultimate demise of that abusive relationship, a day that’s forever burned into my memory and turned our world on its ear, causing us to grab hold of our faith in a desperate clutch like never before. Continue Reading

survivors are warriors
Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement

Are You a Victim or a Survivor?

Something bad has happened to you. It could have been an accident, abuse, an illness, a violent crime or something else.

It’s over, the “incident” has passed.

But if and how well you move forward all depends on your reaction and your attitude.

Will you be a victim? Or will you be a survivor? Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health

Why Narcissism is More Than Just Arrogance

I took this Narcissism Quiz today on Time Magazine’s website.

I scored well below the national average and I’m more than 10 points lower than what they consider “flirting with narcissism.” I wasn’t worried. I’ve seen real-life narcissism-the scary kind-and it isn’t me.

You’ve probably seen the real thing in action though, right? It’s exasperating to deal with someone who is a true narcissist: Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Book Reviews, Encouragement

A Beautiful Wreck

Who else is compiling a list of books for upcoming spring break? Or even for their summer reads on those lazy days in the sun or shade, on the beach or at home lounging around the yard?

A Beautiful Wreck by the talented and multiply-published author CeeCee James is available now. You can even find it for your Kindle for free! 

The Wrecked and Yours Second Chance Trilogy is now complete with book three, A Beautiful Wreck. Written to be a stand alone, this sweet romance is all about hope restored. Please read the official description of this gem. Continue Reading