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Abuse and Self Care

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Comes the Dawn: Be Strong for Yourself

Have you been in unhealthy relationships? Probably at least one at some point, right? I sure have.

I’m still figuring out why: what led me to believe I didn’t deserve more…why I wanted to stay…what made me think I could fix it…or fix them.

When I was a junior in high school the assignment in my Creative Writing class was to find a favorite poem and act it out. I chose this poem that I’m going to share with you. Bear with me and you’ll discover its importance.

What surprises me about this poem is that I didn’t listen to it…then. I have loved the words all these years and felt their meaning and knew how true they were. But I just couldn’t apply them in my own life and empower myself.  It’s so often hard to think of ourselves as deserving of good things, good people, strength. To paraphrase Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman “the bad stuff is easier to believe.” Vivian could have used this poem too. Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

You Matter. Period.

You’re sitting at a coffee shop with three of your closest girlfriends, chatting, catching up, enjoying some laughs.

Statistically speaking, one of the four of you beautiful women will experience abuse at the hand (or mouth) of an intimate partner at some point in your precious lives.

One of the four of you. 

And that one blessed friend has a high chance of being sexually assaulted by that same partner. Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Letting Go of “Old Ghosts”

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please keep your eyes and hear open to a loved one who may be suffering. If you’re that loved one who’s suffering, know that there is help and there is hope. This is not your fault. You are worth more!

“You’re not good enough.”

“Can’t you do anything right?”

“You’re too (thin, fat, dumb, lazy…)”

“You’re not smart enough, pretty enough…just not enough.”

Have you heard any of those ugly phrases before? They sting horribly, don’t they? Even if we know in our heart of hearts that those words aren’t true, it still hurts terribly when they escape from the lips of someone who’s promised to love and adore us. Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

Mental Health Monday: Three Things You Should Know About Me

Monday? Already? It feels like that this week for me. I just left behind a wonderfully busy week spent preparing to attend a writers conference. When I was there, it was a beautiful thing to be among so many creative minds, full of hope and ambition and ideas, just like me. It will take me many days to process all the valuable information bestowed upon us there and I will delight in every bright minute of that.

It’s been a bit since I’ve done a Mental Health Monday post dedicated to some aspect of healthier living and it felt right that today was a good time to write one.  I’m going to share three things you should know about me:

I’m loyal, sometimes to a fault. I asked my daughter tonight what she thought one of my weaknesses is. She contemplated this for a minute. I wanted her to be honest, even if she felt it might sting. I wanted to hear her perception and thoughts. “You’re too giving and too nice sometimes,” she said. Continue Reading