It’s creeping up on seven years since my first marriage ended in a heap of trauma, tragedy, and pain. The road from there to here has been difficult. To say it’s been bumpy would be trite and an underestimation of our journey.
But that same road led me to a new love. And that was pretty terrifying. Continue Reading
Well, not love exactly. But what I thought was love and commitment and marriage and a person who would one day get their act together. That is what almost killed me. That person is who almost killed. Continue Reading
You’re in the midst of an abusive relationship. Your self-esteem and confidence are so low you question every decision you make. You believe you can’t survive on your own without this man, so how you can you possibly leave?
But how can you stay? Every day you walk on eggshells, praying that today won’t be “too bad”, that he won’t hit you, won’t scream at you, won’t twist your words into something they were never meant to be.
You pray you can get through the day and all the many responsibilities you have without being under constant criticism about how you’re carrying out those tasks; how you can do this better or stop doing that or “let me show you how to do that right.” Because nothing you ever do is…right. Continue Reading
What is a true friend? Do you know? Do you have one? As I’ve observed some relationships the past few years – including my own – I’ve realized that the people we consider friends, aren’t always deserving of that title.
We blur lines between who says they’re our friend and who actually lives the role. I’ve seen this play out a lot with teenagers, especially. Not just my own teens, but my friends’ children as well.
I see grown women and teen boys and girls want so much to have friends that they will accept people as “friends” when they act like anything but what a true friend should act like. Continue Reading