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10 Ways to Exercise Self Care

Self care is a phrase often used these days. We talk about it, we write about it, we dedicate entire hashtags to it (like #selfcaresaturday).

How good are we at exercising it?

Sometimes pretty good.

Other times, we come in last on our list of priorities. I challenge you to read this list and realize how you can implement methods of self care so you can enjoy healthier relationships and overall, just be happier!

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Encouragement, Entertainment

My Top 5 Favorite Binge-Worthy Shows

Friends, we’re in for a big storm this weekend. What better time to catch up on rest (everyone I talk to this week says they too have been struggling to get good sleep…what’s up?!), relax, and find some good shows to binge if you’re snowed or iced in.

I’m a TV person. I like it. I don’t spend hours watching it every day, but I do usually have a show that I’m watching. It’s great that we can watch entire seasons at a time now! It wasn’t too long ago that we started a series in September, watched it through basically a school year, then were left with spring cliffhangers, and wondered all summer what would happen next. Now, we get to binge TV.

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Encouragement, Giveaways

Comedian Chonda Pierce in Special Event ‘Unashamed’

This upcoming Mother’s Day week, May 7th and 9th at 7:00pm., you and your mama friends can enjoy a night of laughter and truth that only top-selling female comedian Chonda Pierce can deliver!  Chonda will make you laugh about things like Spanx and bladder issues, and she will inspire you to think as she boldly proclaims the truth of the Gospel to a hurting world. 

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