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Healthy Relationships

Giveaways, Healthy Relationships

‘The Dating Project’ Movie Shows Desire for Genuine Connections

Did you know that half of America is single? The ways in which people now seek love, and find it, have dramatically changed. The social media culture has profoundly altered the dating landscape. We don’t hear much anymore about “eyes meeting across a crowded room” or running into someone in a coffee shop, and “the rest is history.” ‘The Dating Project’ movie sheds light on the new “dating” methods. Continue Reading

5 signs you're in an unhealthy relationship
Abuse and Self Care, Healthy Relationships

5 Signs You’re in an Unhealthy Relationship

5 Signs You’re in an Unhealthy Relationship

When I was dating my first husband, there were red flags that I didn’t really understand or know how to deal with. As an empath, I was “attracted” to the fact that he sadly didn’t have a happy family and had had a pretty difficult upbringing. He was broken. I was a natural “fixer” and peacemaker. And that combination was a horrible match-up.

Even though I wrote about the signs of healthy relationships, there’s more to unhealthy relationships than simply the absence of those positive things. Some elements might be hints of danger, even though you might not think of them that way at first blush.  Continue Reading

5 Indicators of a Healthy Relationship
Encouragement, Healthy Relationships

5 Indicators of a Healthy Relationship

Indicators of a healthy relationship should be easy to spot, but they aren’t always. We often confuse behaviors in relationships…sometimes due to inexperience or unwillingness to see what’s really there.

That can rub both ways: you might not recognize just how great your mate is and end up taking him for granted; or you might not recognize how great he isn’t.  Continue Reading

5 Tips if You're New to Online Dating
Healthy Relationships

5 Tips If You’re New to Online Dating

Are you brand new to dating or jumping back in? Both are frightening and intimidating and exciting, believe me.

If you’re going to dip your toe into the online dating scene though, there are some important things you need to know.

I’m an online dating success. That didn’t come without learning some life lessons… Continue Reading