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Life Is Beautiful

Book Reviews, Encouragement, Giveaways, Life Is Beautiful

Stumbling Along: Win This Funny and Fantastic Book!

That’s where I would die. O Lord, what about my family? What about the T-shirts I promised to order for the church? What about…”

Sixteen years ago I was a young mom to a 2-year-old little girl and I joined the Moms Group at our church. Once a week this gave us moms a chance to get together at church with free childcare for that precious hour, snacks, and good company.  Each week we sat in a circle and discussed life, mom topics, finances, friendship, and prayer. Now my 2-year-old is an adult and I have another “little one”, a 13-year-old son.

I met some wonderful people during those meaningful Moms Group meetings and one of my favorite was Laurie. Back then, she was wife to our youth pastor, Brian. They were such blessings to our church. Laurie was mom, wife, pastor’s wife, leader, songstress, and speaker. Laurie and Brian eventually moved on from our church and entered the mission field that carried them to minister in Mexico.  Now back in the states, this mom of three (two adults and one at home) and her husband are still following God’s plan as they lead a church here in Michigan. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

When She Wakes Up…


Back in high school and college I penned a lot of poetry. I loved my Creative Writing classes and excelled in the poetry portions, much to my delight. I loved reading poetry and writing it, and it was a coping device for when things weren’t going so well and I was hurting. There were breakup poems and poems about the love I’d once have. I went out on a creative limb and tried my hand at poetry once again but you’ll notice the theme is more fitting for my life in recent years… Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

You Matter. Period.

You’re sitting at a coffee shop with three of your closest girlfriends, chatting, catching up, enjoying some laughs.

Statistically speaking, one of the four of you beautiful women will experience abuse at the hand (or mouth) of an intimate partner at some point in your precious lives.

One of the four of you. 

And that one blessed friend has a high chance of being sexually assaulted by that same partner. Continue Reading