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Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

I Need Your Help

Hello, friends! I am writing a book about my experiences with domestic abuse and I would like to include the experiences of other men and women in similar situations. Currently, I am seeking men or women willing to share their stories of abuse–domestic, physical, emotional, verbal–with me in a private and confidential online environment so that we can discuss our experiences.

As I’ve written about here on my blog, I was in a marriage that became abusive for many years. I am the survivor of emotional, verbal, and eventual physical abuse. God has placed it on my heart to give a voice to those who have none, like I didn’t. For so long I felt like I was all alone in my pain. The isolation was brutal and I felt no one could possibly understand my feelings and situation.

I want to share my story and yours in a book that will provide insight, comfort, validation, and hope to others who are suffering through it, have suffered through it, or love someone who is in an abusive situation. My hope is the book will be published and reach those who need to read the words. I want to write the book I wish existed when I needed it most.

It is also my sincere hope through this process of sharing our experiences and writing about it, that it will bring support, understanding, and healing to those who choose to come on this journey with me.  Your stories, whatever you choose to tell, will be shared in the manner in which you’re most comfortable, meaning your identity can be changed so that no one recognizes you or the details of your story if you so choose. I know the sensitive nature of sharing our pain. I know the vulnerability. I’m right there with you. But every time I tell my story and help someone else, I heal a little bit. I want that for you as well.

Please email me ( to find out more about being part of this group of warriors. I also ask that you share this post on Twitter, Facebook, email or print it out and give it to a friend. Please share it wherever you feel it might reach someone who would be interested in this opportunity. There is healing in community and understanding. I feel compelled to share and bring awareness.

Let’s be a collective voice to those struggling to find theirs.