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career path

Book Reviews, Encouragement, Giveaways

Outgrow Your Space at Work (Giveaway!)

“We measure our lives based on a simple question: Am I moving forward?” ~ Rick Whitted from Outgrow Your Space at Work: How to Thrive at Work and Build a Successful Career

Who wants to succeed at their career? Everyone, right? We want to move “up the ladder.” We all could probably use a nice raise too.

“On an average workday we spend more time working than we spend doing any other single action.” (Outgrow Your Space at Work: How to Thrive at Work and Build a Successful Career). That means we spend more time working (on average) than sleeping, being with with our spouse or children, or…anything else!

But why? What do we hope to accomplish in our careers? What do we aim for? Are we chasing a title? A raise? Or meaning? Are we in “blind pursuit of the position”? Continue Reading