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Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Dream Fearlessly

I have three writing submission deadlines for three different places due in the next two weeks.

I love that sentence and I want it to stand alone so I can delight in it a moment. A year ago, having a writing deadline was but a dream for me. I wasn’t even sure exactly what that looked like. Maybe the pieces I’m submitting won’t result in superstardom, but maybe they will turn into something terrific and be published somewhere. The fact that I’m writing with purpose and putting down meaningful words onto paper that I feel good about, is satisfying. Whether anyone else takes particular notice is delicious icing on a rather sweet cake. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Anxiety, Fear & Other Things I Can Leave in 2014

What if we made New Year’s resolutions that really stuck? What if we used every year as a learning experience? A launching pad into the new year, armed with all this valuable knowledge with which to make the upcoming year so much better?

With the transition into every new year comes a time of reflection. We look back on the year before. Sometimes we bid it good riddance. Sometimes we’re sad to see it go. Other times, we look back with a sense of satisfaction and an attitude that it was a solid year, had its ups and downs (but thankfully more ups), and we came away with some good thoughts and lessons learned, stronger and ready to embrace the new year. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Live Your Dream in 2015!

Merry Christmas to you all! Thank you for being faithful readers and visitors! I pray that you are encouraged throughout the new year! let this be the year of living your dreams. Whatever your dreams and aspirations are, do something every day–no matter how small–towards the realization of those dreams.

If you want to write a book, write every day.

If you want to travel, visualize your trip. Start planning the trip. What will it cost? What will you need? Then start squirreling away whatever funds you can afford to.

If you seek a better job, map out the details of what you need to do to be qualified for that job. Research!

Your dreams are important! Don’t let them just be dreams any longer. Take steps to put them into action and live them!

Be encouraged and be blessed!
