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Life Is Beautiful

Prom: How Much is Too Much?

Prom season is here and I read a recent statistic that the average cost of Prom is $900 per person.  That’s nearly $2000 per couple! For Prom! I was stunned by this figure and when I was with a group of moms recently who expressed similar concern over the growing expenses surrounding Prom, I knew I wasn’t the only mom not fully in favor of such lavishness at these young ages. Now that my daughter is preparing for her own Prom, it’s given me pause to recollect the Proms of my high school days versus Prom of today.

Prom should be a fun night full of wonderful memories. But is it necessary to spend this amount of money and have such luxuries for Prom that rival a small wedding? What comprises this statistcal $900 per person?

Of course, there’s the dress and it’s perhaps the most important detail for us girls. When I went to my first prom as a high school sophomore, my frugal parents made me wear my sister’s bridesmaid’s dress she’d just worn for her best friend’s wedding. It wasn’t as heinous as it sounds… Continue Reading