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Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

Lists Part 2: Spring Cleaning Attack

In my previous post I discussed my love for and dependency on lists and how I had created two, one for health and one for spring cleaning. Lists allow me to function in a more organized fashion. They also give me a great sense of accomplishment when I can check each item off my list and see in print how much I’ve achieved. It’s quite satisfying for us list lovers.

Our lives are busy, often too busy. We have families, jobs, and homes. We have groceries to purchase, clothes to clean, dishwashers to load, floors to mop, meetings to attend, volunteer duties to fulfill, school conferences, extra-curricular activities, music lessons, and if we’re lucky…regular family time and the occasional date night. I feel like I need a nap simply from compiling this list.

It’s a mountainous challenge to keep up on simple laundry much less deep cleaning an entire house.  So where do we start?

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Encouragement, Health

Lists and Goals for Health and Spring Cleaning

I like lists. I depend on them. I make a list for nearly everything:

  • Grocery lists.
  • To-do list of what I need to accomplish in a day.
  • List of what I need to discuss with my doctor at an office visit.
  • A list of calls or emails I need to make or return.
  • A list of bills I’m paying each week.
  • A list of concerns I need to pray for for myself or that I’ve been asked to pray for regarding others.
  • A list of writing ideas.
  • A list of books I want to read.

As you may have realized, I just created a list of things I create lists about!  Continue Reading

Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

The Sweetness of Doing Nothing

The sweetness of doing nothing…isn’t that phrase in and of itself a sweet sound to the ears? For me, and I’m sure for many, it’s a puzzling concept. Doing nothing? And it’s sweet? But when you unpack the words, they become even more lovely.  I find it nearly impossible to do nothing. Even when I’m semi-relaxing by watching TV or reading a book, I have to feel as though I’m accomplishing something at the same time. I may turn on a movie, but I need to have the dishwasher or washing machine going or I’m folding a load of laundry, sometimes doing all three.

When in Rome, I noticed a marked ease about their lifestyle. There wasn’t the hurried pace we often feel here in our lives. Many people could be seen relaxing with friends over a meal…in the middle of the day. Some stores closed down entirely for the lunch hour, not something I’ve often seen happen here. The casual feeling, I’ll admit, was quite appealing.  The lovely Romans seem to savor more:  Food. Drink. The present company. Time. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Health

The 12 Days of Fitness

I don’t generally write here about products or to promote things. But when I find something I really like, whether it’s a book, a website or a lipstick, I like to share what I’ve learned because I always enjoy hearing when someone else has found a great bargain, a trusted product, or something that truly works. We women have probably all bought and tossed blush that was the wrong color, foundation that was too light or dark, and wrinkle cream that didn’t perform as promised. From time to time, you  may find me writing here about a product that I’m excited about, a website I enjoy or a bargain that I’m geeked about (because I do so love a good bargain!) I’m not paid to do any of those things. I’m just sharing the information love. Continue Reading