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Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health

Silence the Bullying Voices

I’m sure all of us could think of at least one time we’ve experienced bullying in our lives. Unfortunately, perhaps we could conjure up repeated times someone has felt free to bully us and it’s probably a fair bet to say that still hurts at least a little and you still remember every detail of that bullying. Why? Because it’s painful. Someone has used ugly words and actions to run you down, to try to gain power over you, to try to pound you down so that they can rise up. Bullying is about the bully trying to keep you down in hopes it will elevate himself.

 What bullying actually does is expose who the bully really is: insecure, hurting, and hiding. Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health

Emotional Abuse: Recognize the Early Signs

Last week, I touched on emotional abuse and pointed you to an article for more information. As I mentioned, verbal and emotional abuse are often erroneously categorized as “not real abuse.” Friends, it’s real.  The words are real. The pain from being the target of lies, manipulation, and verbal battering is real. 

It’s usually quite subtle at first. It might be a backhanded comment. You know the kind: “Those jeans don’t make you look too fat” or “at least dinner isn’t burnt this time.” Thanks? You’re left a little confused: was that a compliment or an insult? There’s usually a dig in every comment, a veiled threat or insult. The self doubt starts to set in… Continue Reading

Book Reviews, Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Duck Dynasty: The Good, the Bad, and the Grace of God

The Duck Dynasty empire has grown ever-popular with a successful TV series, products, and books including the upcoming release of The Good, the Bad, and the Grace of God: What Honesty and Pain Taught Us About Faith, Family, and Forgiveness written by Jep and Jessica Robertson with Susy Flory. I had the privilege to read this profound book before its release in a few weeks on June 23, 2015.

I was excited to receive an advance reader’s copy of this book from Family Christian in exchange for an honest review. I dove right into this book, excited to learn more about this family who’d already endeared themselves to me through their television series and their display of faith. I wasn’t disappointed. I couldn’t put it down once I picked it up.  Continue Reading

Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

Observations at the IV Infusion Center

Every other Monday morning, I go hang out with cancer patients.

It’s not because I’m doing some noble volunteer work. It’s not because I work at a hospital (at least I don’t any more). It’s not even because I’m researching for a writing project.

Thankfully, unlike them, I do not have cancer. But like them, I do go to have medicine drip into my veins intravenously in hopes it’ll improve my health.

For Crohn’s disease, these IV infusions are the proverbial “big guns” in treatment. When regular medications and dietary changes don’t improve symptoms, biologics are in order, so here you are.

It’s humbling and terrifying all at once to be in the company of such warriors, these patients with these illnesses. (Side note: Crohn’s is a life-threatening illness as well); to be checking in, waiting, getting pre-treatment blood work and eventually stretching out in our recliners in the infusion room next to these brave souls.

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