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Jimmy Fallon

Life Is Beautiful

An Open Letter to Jimmy Fallon

Who doesn’t love Jimmy Fallon?

I’m going out on a weird and possibly shaky writing limb today but it’s Monday and I’m feeling particularly brave.

Through a friend’s blog I found a very cool other blog (I went down the blogging rabbit hole, basically) that offers these sweet writing prompts. Some are crazy. Some are fun. All are thought-provoking. The prompt that piqued my interest most challenged me to write an open letter to a celebrity.

Right off the top of my blonde head I could come up with at least five celebs I could chastise for this behavior or that. I could tell at least a dozen to get their collective crap together and stop embarrassing their mothers with their ridiculous behavior.

But I’m not going to.

I wanted to pen a letter to a celebrity who does something good: makes people laugh.  So here goes in true Jimmy thank-you letter fashion. (Think Jimmy will ever read this? I’m dreaming…) Continue Reading