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link up

Life Is Beautiful, Link-Up

Theocentric Thursdays: Link Up!

Link-up below and join this group of fabulous bloggers. You’ll find support, community, and some wonderful posts!

Welcome back to #TheocentricThursdays Blog Hop Week 8! Thank you for being part of our community! The comments from many of you about the connections you are making through this blog hop are amazing! Please continue to invite new bloggers to the circle!

I have found that asking someone to share their post is a compliment! If you read something that speaks to you in a blogging community or group, there’s a great chance someone else needs to hear that word too. Ask the author to share it with us. They will take it as a compliment. How do you feel when someone sends you a message saying your piece was just what they needed to hear today and they would like to share it? You will also be helping to reach someone who may not have been reached otherwise. Continue Reading

Life Is Beautiful, Link-Up

It’s Theocentric Thursday!

This is my third week co-hosting the Theocentric Thursday link-up and if you haven’t linked up in past weeks, you’ll want to join us this time. It has been a great success of sharing, community, and mutual support, and I’d love for you to benefit as we all have. The more, the merrier so please read Carrie’s post all the way to the bottom and add one or two of your own blog posts that you’d like to share. I hope to see and read your posts this week!


Hello, friends! Are you melting out there? Or barely keeping your head above water?

Literally on both. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful, Link-Up

Theocentric Thursdays: Link Up with Us!

It’s Thursday and it’s time for a link-up again! Please join me with this amazing group of bloggers (and new ones to come!) and add your favorite post from your blog. Come back and visit the previous two posts on the link-up and offer them support and don’t forget to return and vote! The more support you give, the more you’ll receive as you bring awareness of yourself to the other bloggers and learn from their posts. Enjoy this wonderful community! Below please read the link-up information from my friend and hostess, Carrie Ann’s blog and get to know us! Continue Reading