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Mike Lindell of My Pillow

Ashley Bratcher stars in 2019 true life film 'Unplanned.'
Celebrity Interviews

Actress Ashley Bratcher Talks True Story ‘Unplanned’ Movie

Abby Johnson was at the top of her career, even earning the title of Employee of the Year during her eight years working with Planned Parenthood. Being a huge supporter of women in need, Abby poured her heart into this cause until one day she saw something at work that forever changed her and altered her path.

Abby is now one of the most prolific speakers for life in the United States – and is still fighting for the rights and protections women need. In what she calls a “new kind of feminism” Abby shows what’s true: that while motherhood can be scary and a sincere challenge, it is also one of the most empowering roles a woman can experience. Women need to know that there is real help for them if they’re facing a crisis and that a baby won’t ruin their lives. We are strong women and we can do the hard things.

Unplanned enlightens us to what abortion, including the abortion pill, really are. Sometimes we think we know, but we don’t always. And if you’re going to chose to terminate your pregnancy, you should have full knowledge of the procedure – both what will happen during and after. This film is pro-woman all the way. It’s not about shame or judgement. It’s not about dealing with how a woman came to be in a crisis pregnancy situation. It’s about what you do once you discover your pregnancy and the many resources that can truly offer you help and support going forward.  Continue Reading