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Encouragement, Health, Life Is Beautiful

3 Steps to a Healthy You!


appy New Year!


Can you believe we’re nearly through the first week of the new year?

Did you make new year’s resolutions? I don’t really make them so much any more…because I know I’ll break them.

I’ll start out strong and motivated as we all do…

“I’m going to get in shape for real.

“I’m going to the gym every day.

“I’m not going to worry.” Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Letting Go of “Old Ghosts”

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Please keep your eyes and hear open to a loved one who may be suffering. If you’re that loved one who’s suffering, know that there is help and there is hope. This is not your fault. You are worth more!

“You’re not good enough.”

“Can’t you do anything right?”

“You’re too (thin, fat, dumb, lazy…)”

“You’re not smart enough, pretty enough…just not enough.”

Have you heard any of those ugly phrases before? They sting horribly, don’t they? Even if we know in our heart of hearts that those words aren’t true, it still hurts terribly when they escape from the lips of someone who’s promised to love and adore us. Continue Reading

Abuse and Self Care, Encouragement, Health

Life and the Family Bully

Is there a family member who likes to verbally jab you?

Are they passive-aggressive or outright mean to you?

Do they manipulate you or try to guilt you into doing things their way?

Do they try to make you feel guilty or bad for what you’ve accomplished or lay a guilt trip in order to coerce you into doing things you don’t really want to do, or don’t have the time, money or energy to accomplish?

These are family bullies…
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