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Directionally Challenged…The GPS

I’m a nervous driver when it comes to traveling in unfamiliar territory, especially if the unfamiliar is near or in a city.  I’m nearly convinced that if the GPS had never been invented I wouldn’t be able to travel far by car on my own.  Even with my trusty GPS, I sometimes usurp its authority.  The truth of it is, I occasionally overrule the clear directions given by my GPS.  When the next path seems odd or doesn’t make perfect sense to me, I will go left instead of the instructed right, or take this exit instead of the next guided one. Invariably, this choice of mine leads me in the wrong direction, most often costing me valuable time and causing unnecessary frustration.  What was my reasoning in this situation, I usually ask myself.  Did I think that my limited view from my car on foreign highways was a better, more accurate view than the mammoth satellite in the sky has that can see where all roads lead?


This can, at times, parallel my relationship with God. I seek His guidance.  I ask for His help.  Then I think I know better (or that I know faster if He doesn’t give me immediate clarity in a situation), so I go my own way instead of availing to His direction.  Every once in awhile, I forget that He sees the big picture, not only this minute that I can see, but days, months, years ahead of now. Where I can only see where I’ve come from and where I am now, He can see the amazing places I have yet to go and the fantastic things I’ve yet to do and be.  When I start to think I know best, I have to check myself and remember Who has the best view and the fail-proof directions.

“Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight.” ~Proverbs 3:6

Be Encouraged!