angel in the woods
Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

When You’re Struggling to Find Your Worth

Do you feel sometimes like you’re “just here”, not really meaning all that much to anyone, unsure of your purpose? Do you struggle, like I sometimes do, to find your worth?

We want to know that what we do makes a difference to someone.

Maybe you’re in a transition phase of life. You’re single again. You’re an empty-nester. You’re a young adult. Being in a new station in life can really cause you to stop and ponder “now what am I supposed to do?”

We all have a purpose!  It may be to tenderly raise your children and wipe rear ends and noses and keep them safe and feeling abundantly loved.  That is a tremendous purpose. None greater, if you ask me. Caring for my children no matter their ages continues to be my greatest pride and truest joy.

Your main purpose may be to care for an aging parent, to wipe their rears and noses and keep them safe and feeling abundantly loved. And that too, my friend, is a noble and terribly important honor to be able to care for one’s parent. Albeit, difficult beyond imagination, it will endlessly bless them. (I can write from experience on this.)

When you learn how much you’re worth, you’ll stop giving people discounts.

Maybe your purpose right now is to thrive in your job. You may be the CEO of a large company making vital decisions on the daily. Or you run a day care (back to the rear ends and noses again) and you lovingly protect and care for others’ children and make your living, while enabling parents to go out and earn their own living.

You may be a student. And right now, getting good grades and applying yourself so you can create a brighter and more secure future, is your purpose. If you’re in high school, your educational “end game” may be to land some really great scholarships and earn your way into the college of your desire. And once you make it there, your college purpose is to do well in these classes, graduate, and find your dream job.


Maybe you’re a teacher. This time of year it might feel like an utterly thankless job with kids squirming in their seats wanting to be anywhere but in school when the sun is shining and temperatures are rising. You have more paperwork and red tape hassles than ever before in the history of teaching, but what you’re during will impact the lives of your students their whole lives through.

Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, is purposeful and meaningful. No one has greater value than you. We’re all humans and that fact alone puts us on a level playing field in the worth department.

Fact: You’re C student child is not any less valuable or important than your neighbor’s honor student.

Fact: Your minimum wage job is not less important or admirable than the owner’s job. The owner couldn’t operate without you, by the way.

Fact: The car you drive, the label on your jeans, the balance in your bank account, the grades on your report card or what people say about you does not determine your worth.

Fact: The mistakes you’ve made, the hurt you’ve felt, the challenges you’ve faced do not make you less worthy.

You’re not small and insignificant. Your humanity and the divine creation that is you makes you valid and essential.

You have incredible value and whatever you’re accomplishing in your life right now, is important. Because you are important.






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