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Healthy Relationships

Book Reviews, Healthy Relationships

New Book ‘Mended’ Restores Hearts and Relationships

“Ever wonder how mothers and daughters can be so different and even seemingly speak different languages?” ~ from Mended: Restoring the Hearts of Mothers and Daughters

I was provided a copy of the book ‘Mended’ in exchange for this honest review. All opinions are my own.

My mother passed away when I was 26. She was my lifeline, my mainstay, and my best friend. I talked to her on the phone or saw her several times a day, even though I was a functioning married, working woman living in my own house. It was a strong bond and always had been. The relationship, however, had not always been hearts and flowers.

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Encouragement, Healthy Relationships

Give Your Relationship a Love Nudge

FrontGate Media sent me a copy of The Five Love Languages. I use the LoveNudge app and my opinions and thoughts are honest and my own. I was not otherwise compensated for this post.

Do you use the reminders feature on your phone? I do. Every day. I remind myself what to get at the store, of an upcoming appointment, even if I want to remember to thaw the chicken in the morning for dinner that night.

Many of us use a similar feature or planner to keep us on track and our households running smoothly, our tasks completed at work, and so we don’t forget the important things. Continue Reading

Encouragement, Healthy Relationships

Outsmarting the Odds in Any Marriage

Your marriage will have challenges. If you have a supportive husband who is a true partner, those problems are a lot more tolerable and life is a lot less stressful.

And that’s just beginning of what will be better if you choose a mate wisely.

Don’t be like me in my first marriage. I had warnings in our dating life. True enough, I didn’t really catch on to what the issues were harbingers of. I thought he was just wounded from a painful childhood and he’d heal from that (false). I thought that I could fix his issues (false, false, and even more false). I just didn’t realize. So I married him.  Continue Reading