Domestic Violence Awareness

When Will You Heal From Domestic Abuse?

That’s a great question that I have no answer to. I’m nearly 13 years out from when my first husband–my abuser–attacked me in our home at gunpoint and forced me while tied up, to witness his suicide. When will I heal from that? When will you heal from domestic abuse?

I was married to my abuser for nearly 16 years. Almost all of those years were wrought with turmoil and a variety of abuse. Eventually, I was scared all the time. I was scared all the time of my husband! That should never occur. You shouldn’t fear your spouse. You shouldn’t be afraid in your own home. But there I was, raising two beautiful children, working full-time from home, running a household, and trying to keep us all safe from a man who vowed to protect us but was actually who we needed protection from.

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Book Reviews, Encouragement

‘Grit Don’t Quit’ Giving Up Isn’t an Option

I was given a copy of ‘Grit Don’t Quit’ to read and offer my honest review. All opinions are honest and my own. I was not otherwise compensated.

Have you ever been through something so difficult that it sent you to your knees? When my former husband tried to kill me then took his own life, I couldn’t do much of anything for days. I was in shock. I was traumatized and grieving, and I could only utter the prayer, “Help.” But I didn’t quit. My kids and my faith kept my from quitting. Giving up isn’t an option.

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The Power of Let Them

“Let them” has become a popular phrase recently. Two words that wield great power. Let me tell you about the power of let them. “Let them” might mean something different to you than it does to me.

Let them feels like freeing words. “Let them” dislike me. “Let them” gossip about me. “Let them” criticize me. “Let them” not like my posts or not follow me or block me or unfriend me. Let them.

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