Book Reviews, Encouragement, Life Is Beautiful

Searching for Sunday

It seems those most likely to miss God’s work in the world are those most convinced they know exactly what to look for, the ones who expect God to play by the rules.” ~ Rachel Held Evans from Searching for Sundays: loving, leaving, and finding the church 

Do you ever question your faith?

Wonder why you believe what you do?

Confused whether any of “this” is real?

Have you ever left a church?

Or left “the church” entirely?

Blogger and author, Rachel Held Evans in “Searching for Sunday: loving, leaving and finding the church” shares about each of the above and so much beyond. I was asked by Family Christian to read “Searching for Sunday” and write an honest review.

I’ll admit, portions of this book make me nervous. I may have squirmed a little (or maybe quite a lot). But that might just be the point. Should we be so comfortable in our beliefs that we’ll accept anything that’s spoon-fed us just so long as the spoon comes from the “right” pamphlet or “qualified” person?


Or should we seek out our own answers and research and pray and dig deep? Should we educate ourselves and explore our faith?

“Searching for Sunday” is thought-provoking, enlightening, and challenging. Rachel writes about the history of the church; she tells about the notion of being emotionally naked as a church because that’s the one place that should be safe to be emotionally exposed and vulnerable but loved and accepted all at once.

Rachel shares about her upbringing in the church, practically evangelizing from birth. She allows us to read her heart and her thoughts through her own faith journey as she loves the church, leaves it, and looks for it.

If you want to be challenged to grow and strengthen your faith, check out “Searching for Sunday” here:  Searching for Sunday, Family Christian.


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