Link-up below and join this group of fabulous bloggers. You’ll find support, community, and some wonderful posts!
Welcome back to #TheocentricThursdays Blog Hop Week 8! Thank you for being part of our community! The comments from many of you about the connections you are making through this blog hop are amazing! Please continue to invite new bloggers to the circle!
I have found that asking someone to share their post is a compliment! If you read something that speaks to you in a blogging community or group, there’s a great chance someone else needs to hear that word too. Ask the author to share it with us. They will take it as a compliment. How do you feel when someone sends you a message saying your piece was just what they needed to hear today and they would like to share it? You will also be helping to reach someone who may not have been reached otherwise.
I also had a few complaints prior to last week that we were sending out e-mails to people who did not request e-mails. It is in the “rules” that you give permission for the hosts and co-hosts to e-mail you exclusively about #TheocentricThursdays Blog Hop. However, to make this even more clear, I have set up a MailChimp account for #TheocentricThursdays.
If you do not sign up, you won’t be getting correspondence. This means if you receive the most likes on your post, I can’t e-mail you information about being the featured post or co-host. Due to lack of sign-ups (way less than half of our posters), voting is WAY down this week.
I sent the information out via e-mail last week. If you a) deleted it with out reading it, b) didn’t get it because your spam folder deleted it, c) hadn’t joined the blog hop yet or d) have a gazillion e-mails because like me you say yes to everything, well, here is the link so you can sign up: Make sure you add us to you contacts! Please know it is not in my nature to bombard anyone with junk mail. If I have in any way violated your privacy, it was absolutely unintentional and without intent to harm.
So, last week I know for a fact that each of your posts were read from this hop a minimum of two times. Many of them had over 10 clicks! We are sending you some readers! I saw at least one participant screen shot their stats from their post after they shared here and the numbers were 200+ views more than their average posts. I have no idea how many potential readers you received, but God does!
If you are sharing posts from the hop on social media or your own site, would you please let one of us know? We love to give credit where credit is due.
Make sure to follow ALL hosts and co-hosts blogs AND social media accounts. Let’s meet your hosts!
Melanie Pickett is a writer and blogger who is currently completing her first nonfiction book. She worked as a Medical Language Specialist for 19 years and is an occasional substitute teacher. Melanie posts on BlogHer and has been a guest writer on various other blogs. She writes regularly at the mental health blog, Defying Shadows but spends most of her time writing her own blog, Flying Blonde. A transplanted West Michigander, Melanie is a wife and mother with two teenagers who keep life busy and happy. She loves Jesus, her family, working out, reading, playing piano, 70’s-80’s TV shows, hot tea, serendipity, and traveling adventures. Melanie is a domestic abuse and sexual assault survivor and her ministry is to encourage and empower those in abusive situations, past or present, and bring awareness to this important cause.
Follow Melanie on Flying Blonde, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin’, and Google+.

You can follow her blog, facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Google+, BlogLovin’, and various other places she pops up, but she’d be ecstatic if you’d start there!
There are three featured posts this week, so grab your favorite beverage, put your feet up, and settle in to be ministered to this blessed Thursday! In no particular order, take a moment to read, comment, and congratulate week 8’s featured post authors.
How many of us come up against life and struggle to maintain our joy? Eva brought us a post just to answer that question! Check out How to Have Joy in Life!
What kind of picture of yourself do you present in your blog? The best or the worst? Check out Leslie’s post, “Things I Am Afraid to Tell You“.
There are many things we can be set free from or free to. How many can you list? Bonnie has put quite a bit into this list to come up with “The Very Best Kind of Freedom“.
Don’t forget to grab the button if you were featured this week!
If you’re linking up, we’d love it if you would share a button for this hop on the bottom of your post or in your sidebar!