nuts in the cupboard

Nuts in the Cupboard

Every morning I make oatmeal for my husband to take to work with him. He’s a bit of a health food guy. He has a specific combination he prefers: dried oatmeal, milled flax seed, cinnamon, a dash of sugar, coconut milk, and nuts.

A few mornings ago I went to the pantry for the walnuts. I knew they were there; I’d just purchased a new bag. I stood peering at the shelves knowing those nuts were in there. They had to be. But I couldn’t see them. Seriously. Where were those nuts?!

Then I stood back. No nuts. I scanned each shelf quickly. Come on, come on. Where are you?!

Then I crouched down and got closer and sure enough, there were the nuts sitting on top of a box of something or other, just out of view from where I stood, but perfectly seen when I changed my vantage point. When I adjusted my perspective, I could see clearly.

Life is a lot like that, isn’t it? Sometimes we can’t see what we need to see. We can be so fixated on what’s right in front of us that we can’t see beyond it, we can’t see outside it, and we dwell on that and that only.

But if we shift our focus, try something different, and change our perspective, things can look completely different. We can see things we didn’t see when we were preoccupied with that one thing or looking only from that single perspective. Just a slight shift in our perspective can fix things or at least get you on a better path.

Wherever you are, if things feel hard or if you’re in a waiting place, shift your focus. Don’t fixate on where you are. Set your eyes on where your path can lead and just rest in knowing that good things are ahead. Here are two of my favorite Bible verses that encourage me. I even have them set as a reminder on my phone to pop up daily so no matter where I am or what’s going on, I remember this.

Hold on. I know not all my readers share my faith and I’m cool with that. Just know that whatever struggle or tough decision or place of blah from a long winter that you might be in, hang in there. Reach out to others. Help others where you can, even volunteering, because when we help others our mind shifts off ourselves and this, my friends, is a refreshing thing to change our perspective.

Now about those verses:

Deuteronomy 31:6 ~  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (It reminds me to take a breath and relax. God’s got this, whatever this happens to be at the time).

Jeremiah 29:11 ~ For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord; for good and not evil, for a future and a hope. (There’s better ahead and He will protect me).


You are brave,

signature Melanie in aqua color

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